Our Approach
Our Approach at Sparrow Academy
At Sparrow Academy, our approach to education is based on the understanding that we are guiding complex individuals toward their highest potential as human beings. This includes engaging their intellect, developing their resilience, opening their hearts, and moving their bodies.
By the time Sparrow Academy students graduate 8th grade, they have a deep and lasting foundation of world history, with an understanding of the different perspectives, motives and choices of the many people and cultures that have brought us from ancient times to the present.
This is critical if we are to continue to have an informed citizenry and active participants in our democracy. |
By the end of 8th grade, our students have internalized the value of learning for its own sake and the importance of effort. To this end, throughout their years at Sparrow Academy, they will have worked through the challenges of: geometry, knitting, pre-algebra, crocheting, machine sewing, discus-throwing, report-writing, learning Spanish, literary analysis, perspective drawing, chemistry, oral presentations, physics, charcoal drawing, many forms of writing, javelin-throwing, watercolor painting, calligraphy, annual class plays, learning violin, viola, or cello, singing, year-long projects, poetry, long division, recorder playing, and much more. These are not electives. They are core to our curriculum. Through these varied activities, the students not only gain academic, artistic, and motor skills, but they also learn that new skills require effort, perseverance and openness to push through challenges.
This is critical if we want our citizens to be able to adapt to this rapidly changing world. |
By the time our 8th graders graduate, they have spent many years developing empathy, kindness, respect, and the value of taking responsibility for one’s own actions. Our students are trained in positive communication and conflict-resolution practices. They learn to skillfully engage in-class meetings and become effective listeners. They learn to value and consider other perspectives and work together for common goals. | This is critical if we want our citizens to be able to work with diverse groups of people for the good of all. |